Sectors Bringing Future Prospect to the State of Espírito Santo 2035
The project Sectors Bringing Future Prospect to the State of Espírito Santo 2035 is the first initiative towards the attainment of Industry 2035. Developed in 2018 from a collective construction of long-term thinking, the project has as an overall objective:
Identify sectors, segments, and areas bringing future prospect to the Espírito Santo industry that could place the state in a competitive position on the national and international level within a 17-year time horizon.
In order to achieve the overall objective, the project was segmented into five specific objectives, which consist in:
- 1) Outlining the socioeconomic outlook through indexes for the Espírito Santo industry, economy and society.
- 2) Gathering social, technological and business trends that are likely to characterize the state’s industrial development in the coming years.
- 3) Mobilizing entrepreneurs, decision-makers and opinion formers in a process of reflection on guidelines for sustainable industrial development.
- 4) Identifying sectors, segments and areas that drive development according to regional specificities.
- 5) Identifying sectors, segments and areas bringing future prospect to the state in a transversal perspective for the entire state.
He results obtained through foresight reflection, bolstered on baseline studies and contributions from specialists, provided the identification of the productive sectors, economy segments and emerging areas considered most promising in a 17-year horizon. The project Sectors Bringing Future Prospect to the State of Espírito Santo 2035 is a guiding principle for strengthening the competitiveness and sustainable development of the Espírito Santo industry. The result of the materialization of different efforts, within the public and private spheres, allowed Espírito Santo to competitively reposition itself both nationally and internationally. The sectors were organized under three groups:
The next step, starting in 2019, will comprise the elaboration of the Strategic Routes for the Future of Industry in Espírito Santo 2035.
Baseline studies and panels of experts will be carried out with the aim of collectively building the desired future, from visions, identification of barriers and critical factors, and the elaboration of a convergent agenda of actions in the 2035 horizon for the sectors bringing future prospect.
We hope that in 2035, when we celebrate the 500th anniversary of settlement in Espírito Santo, the benefits from this planning will be harvested by the whole of society.
22 Fev
Indústria 2035 | Setores Portadores de Futuro - Íntegra i... |
Sobre o(a) editor(a) e outras publicações de sua autoria
Silvia Varejão
Economista, mestre em economia pela UFES. Gerente de Estudos Econômicos. Foi analista de estudos e pesquisas no Sistema Findes e pesquisadora no Instituto Jones dos Santos Neves. Possui experiência na área de estudos industriais, tributários, finanças públicas e planejamento governamental.